Guide to Protecting you & your Estate

Aug 19, 2016Pensions

Providing your family with lasting benefits means taking preventative action now

Protecting your estate is ultimately about securing more of your wealth for your loved ones and planning for what will happen after your death to make the lives of your loved ones much easier.


Whether you want to provide for the next generation or leave a charitable legacy when you die, or you simply want to minimise an IHT bill, the sooner you start thinking about this the more you can do.


  • Additional nil rate band
  • Exemptions
  • Making gifts
  • Life insurance policy
  • Discretionary trusts
  • Bare trusts
  • Make a will

Passing your assets on to the beneficiaries that you choose to receive them

For most of us, our financial affairs are constantly changing, and we believe that your financial strategy needs to adapt similarly to changes in your situation. To ensure that you pass your assets on to the beneficiaries that you choose to receive them, either during your lifetime or on your death, or to discuss your situation, please call us or use the contact form by clicking here – we look forward to hearing from you.

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